Concord parents: Are your children always putting on shows with their friends? Are your teens always acting in clips for YouTube? Maybe this summer you should offer them a chance to expand that creativity by taking part in a real theatrical production. The San Francisco Children’s Musical Theater (SFCMT) offers a great summer theater program just for kids ages 5 to 25. It’s a great way for your children to meet other Bay Area kids from Concord and the surrounding Bay Area who are interested in theater and acting. It’s also a unique opportunity for your children to work with a professional director. Director John Bisceglie, who runs the San Francisco Children’s Musical Theater, has more than 20 years of experience directing theater productions at the community, commercial, and professional level. This is a great way for your kids to develop their talents and build the life skills they need to succeed.
If you want to learn more, join our mailing list to learn about upcoming rehearsals and auditions from the San Francisco Children’s Musical Theater. Like most Concord parks and recreation programs, we rehearse on Saturdays only, so even if you’re a busy Concord family, you can easily take part in our exciting programs. Join our mailing list today to learn more.