• Kids Who Sing And Dance Kids Who Sing And Dance

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San Mateo Children’s Musical Theater

San Francisco Children’s Musical Theater (SFCMT) offers kids, teens, and youth from San Mateo and the entire Bay Area a chance to take part in unique summer theater programs. Our summer theater programs are designed so that all kids get to enjoy a positive and exciting theater experience. Whether your kids and teens are experienced performers or not, our talented staff will help them make the most of their unique talents and skills. Kids are naturally creative and our summer theater programs are designed to help them develop that creativity to the fullest. At CMT, we believe that every child has unique talent and creativity, and we work hard to develop that creativity to its fullest. At the same time, we allow kids, teens, and youth from San Mateo and the Bay Area the chance to just relax and have fun. Our summer theater programs are great place to develop great skills while having lots of fun and meeting other teens and youth from San Mateo and surrounding communities. The final production put on by the kids and teens in our summer children’s theater programs will take place at the 1000 seat Palace of Fine Arts Theater in the Marina District of San Francisco. This historic landmark theater will make your child’s summer theater program experience even more exciting. The theater attracts audiences from all over the Bay Area – including San Mateo. To learn more about upcoming SFCMT auditions and productions, join our mailing list today.